I feel that is rather severe for ML refinement - sometimes for instance it helps to use all the data from the images, integrating right into the corners, thus getting a very incomplete set for the highest resolution shell. But for exptl phasing it does not help to have many many weak reflections..

Is there any way of testing this though? Only way I can think of to refine against a poorer set with varying protocols, then improve crystals/data and see which protocol for the poorer data gave the best agreement for the model comparison?

And even that is not decisive - presumably the data would have come from different crystals with maybe small diffs between the models..

Shane Atwell wrote:

Could someone point me to some standards for data quality, especially for publishing structures? I'm wondering in particular about highest shell completeness, multiplicity, sigma and Rmerge.

A co-worker pointed me to a '97 article by Kleywegt and Jones:


"To decide at which shell to cut off the resolution, we nowadays tend to use the following criteria for the highest shell: completeness > 80 %, multiplicity > 2, more than 60 % of the reflections with I > 3 sigma(I), and Rmerge < 40 %. In our opinion, it is better to have a good 1.8 Å structure, than a poor 1.637 Å structure."

Are these recommendations still valid with maximum likelihood methods? We tend to use more data, especially in terms of the Rmerge and sigma cuttoff.

Thanks in advance,

*Shane Atwell*

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