Hi all,

It is good to keep in mind that

  2*[ <|Iplus - Imin|> / < Imean > ]
    [ < (|Iplus - Imin|) / Imean > ]


      <deltaI>/<I> is NOT equal to <deltaI/I>

In fact, <deltaI/I> might be closer to what one is interested in from an experimental point of view, as that talks about 'average signal' rather than the 'signal average'.

Also, when reporting these ratios, it is important to stipulate what is reported. Some flavours are:
< |dI| >/<I>
< |dI|/I >
< |dF| > <F>
< |dF|/F >
< dF^2 >^1/2 / <F^2>^1/2
. etc etc etc

They are all related of course, but all have slightly different values.

In the end, what matters is data quality anyway. Having good Bijvoet ratios on paper doesn't help much if you don't have good data.

Some thoughts on these issues can be found in Acta Cryst. (2005). D61, 1437–1448 and references therein. The simulation tool described in this paper is available on request.



Peter Zwart
Beamline Scientist,
Physical Biosciences Division
Berkeley Center for Structural Biology

Building 6, Room 2134
Tel: 510-486-4214, Fax: 510-486-5664

Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
1 Cyclotron Road
BLDG 6R2100
Berkeley, CA 94720, USA.

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