Dear All:
I am refining a protein-peptide complex struture at 2.6 angstrom resolution.
The data was obtain from a co-crystal and the wilson B factor of the data is
about 70.
The affinity between protein and peptide is about 10E-7 to 10E-8 molar.
Protein fragment of the structure has a common B facor about 50.
But surprisingly, the average B factor of the peptide is as high as 130,
although the peptide can be clearly traced from the the electron density
map. All residues of the peptide have such a high B factor.
My question is how can I reduce the abnormal high B factor to a common level
or if this high B factor acceptable.
And another question is if this high B fator will influence the final
refiment level.


Jiamu Du
State Key Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology Shanghai Institutes for
Biological Sciences
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)

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