
> Maybe any parameter setting unchanged from the values in the
> $CCP4/ccp4i/tasks/*.def file should be internally flagged as being at
> the 'default value' - resulting in them _not_ being written to the
> com-file? This way any potential change in defaults inside the actual
> program would have immediate effect, even if the CCP4i hasn't been
> updated yet.

This is a _really_ good idea for another reason. There are programs which
determine processing parameter values dyamically, based on what they have
actually been presented with - UNLESS those values have been input by the
user, who is assumed to "know better". If an interface (e.g. ccp4i) sets
the value to a default, the program really has no way of knowing that it
was the interface and not a user who knows their data which has input the

Just my two ha'porth...

Dr Harry Powell, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, MRC Centre, Hills
Road, Cambridge, CB2 2QH

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