Hi All,

Few days ago I posted a question of how to create an .avi movie file that can be played in WindowsMediaPlayer and inserted into powerpoint from a series of .png produced in Pymol?

So many different suggestions. However, the most straight forward one came from (Joyce Gordon, Peter Artymiuk, Paul Paukstelis, Katjusa Brejc), thanks to them all, that was to use the trial version of VideoMach (it really worth it). It is so simple to use, and the quality of the movie is impressive.

  Other suggestions (most I haven't tried) are summarized below:

1- Radvideo tools (the bink part) <http://www.radgametools.com/bnkdown.htm>http://www.radgametools.com/bnkdown.htm (suggested by Judith Murray-Rust)

In Radtools select the 1st file and choose "convert files" from the panel. A new menu page will open with a lot of options for editing; then convert.

This should produce the .avi file that is readable by WindowsMediaPlayer; however, the quality of the movie is not as nice and smooth as VideoMach's one.

2- Using Mencoder (from Mplayer package). (suggested by Marc F.lensink, Marko Hyvonen)

mencoder -nosound \
           -ovc lavc \
           -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vhq:vbitrate=4000:vpass=$j \
           -mf fps=15:type=png:w=800:h=600 \
           -o 1y8a.mpg "mf://img/*.png"

However, it does not work for me!

3- Using the Mac Quartz Composer (suggested by Maneesh Yadaf) ----------> I haven't tried it

4- Using VirtualDub (suggested by Vladimir Luni) ----------> I haven't tried it

    Convert .png into .bmb then use VirtualDub to create the movie:

Load an image sequence then make the movie with ""Video-Compression-Microsoft Video 1 " choice, use 100 quality for larger sieze.

5- Using Photoshop or Imageready (suggested by Shenning) ----------> I haven't tried it

Add each .png file as a layer and save the movie as a .gif format which can be directly used in powerpoint.

It looks tedious though!!

6- other suggestions involved conversion of .png files to .gif or .bmb which then can be processed in another software to make the movie. These suggestions came from (Mark Lensink, Roger Rowlett, Subramanian Karthikeyan, )

I'd love to comment that the movie produced by WindowsMoviemaker is slow and not nice. Also, you don't need to convert the .png files.

7- Juergen Bosch suggested to convert .mov to .avi in the Mac (I haven't tried that).

8 Using ImageMagick (suggested by Pryank Patel) --------------> I haven't tried it
i)convert the jpg files from Pymol into png by using the mogrify command,
which will convert multiple files: mogrify -format png *.jpg
ii)After installing the MPEG2 extension for Imagemagick, use the convert command
to make the mpeg: convert *.png m2v:name.mpeg

P.S. for those who suggested to use mogrify in Imagemagick to do the picture conversion, in Mac Graphics converter can do the conversion so easily in a batch mode.


  Again, thanks to everybody who contributed with his/her ideas/experience.


At 05:32 PM 5/25/2007, you wrote:
Hi all,

I'm trying to make a movie for a powerpoint presentation but going through some problems.

I can make the frames in Pymol, so I have the series of .png files; no problem in that. The problem is to get a movie (.avi) so it can be inserted into the powerpoint.

Googling showed a nice thread in ccp4bb and it is really helpful; but still can't make what I want exactly.

I can make a movie.mov which can be played by Quicktime or realplayer; however, I don't like the way of playing the movie using other program during the presentation! I want the movie to play in the same slide, the case when you insert a movie, which can be played by the windows media player, into the powerpoint.

Making the movie using the windows movie maker is not nice (slow, sluggish!....may be there are ways to make it nicer! which I dunno!).

 Then I installed Mencoder and issued the command:

mencoder mf://*.png type=png -o output.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=msmpeg4v2:vbitrate=9000

I tried various vcodec= values. I still unable to insert the .avi into the powerpoint. Windows media player cannot open the file either!

I think there is something missing here!! I'd be appreciated if anyone can share his/her experience in making a movie that will play as part of the slide in the powerpoint on a PC laptop.

P.S. I know that there might be other ways and a lot of options like CCP4mg..etc. But I don't want to spend time making the figures again. I already have the figures done in Pymol.

  thanks for your help in advance.


Ibrahim M. Moustafa, Ph.D.
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Dept.
201 Althouse Lab., Uinversity Park
Pennsylvania State University, PA16802

Tel.  (814)863-8703
Fax. (814)865-7927

Ibrahim M. Moustafa, Ph.D.
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Dept.
201 Althouse Lab., Uinversity Park
Pennsylvania State University, PA16802

Tel.  (814)863-8703
Fax. (814)865-7927

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