Dear All,
We are looking for crystals to test a new device for in situ changing the humidity on the X-ray beamline. The requirements are (protein) crystals that are relatively easy to grow and that have a clear change in diffraction pattern upon change in humidity at room temperature.
Any suggestions welcome,
   Stephen Cusack


Dr. Stephen Cusack,     
Head of Grenoble Outstation of EMBL
Group leader in structural biology of protein-RNA complexes and viral proteins
Joint appointment in EMBL Gene Expression Programme
Director of CNRS-UJF-EMBL Mixed Unit (UMR 5233) for Virus Host Cell 
Interactions (UVHCI)

Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                               
Tel:    (33) 4 76 20 7238    Secretary (33) 4 76 20 7306                        
Fax:    (33) 4 76 20 7786 or (33) 4 76 20 7199                                  
Postal address:   EMBL, 6 Rue Jules Horowitz, BP181, 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9, 
Delivery address: EMBL c/o ILL, Polygone Scientifique, 6 Rue Jules Horowitz, 38042 Grenoble, France

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