Postdoc position in Protein-RNA crystallography A postdoc position is available in the group of crystallography headed by P. Dumas in the laboratory "RNA Architecture and Reactivity" at IBMC, Strasbourg (France). The position is for an HIV-related project that will focus on the structure of a ternary complex between (1) a tRNA(Lys,3) (diverted from the infected cell), (2) a fragment of the viral RNA and (3) the viral retrotranscriptase (RT). The formation of this ternary complex is a key step in the viral replication cycle since it occurs early and involves a cellular partner (the tRNA(Lys,3)) that is independent of any viral mutations. For that reason, it might be an excellent target for a new antiviral drug.
The structural work will benefit strongly of a large body of previous solution studies. In particular, a selenomethionine viral RT, the tRNA(Lys,3), as well as viral RNA fragments of various lenght are routinely produced in our lab. We are equipped with a crystallization robot and with an X-ray facility for crystal testing. Our laboratory is located into a thriving environment for all aspects of RNA research. Qualification: The candidate should have a PhD with a background in RNA biology. An experience in X-ray crystallography will be strongly appreciated. How to apply: send a CV with a list of publications to Eric Ennifar: [EMAIL PROTECTED] **************************************** Philippe Dumas IBMC-CNRS, UPR9002 15, rue René Descartes 67084 Strasbourg cedex tel: +33 (0)3 88 41 70 02 [EMAIL PROTECTED]