I am building a new structure that was partially fit with RESOLVE.  Various
lengths of chain are properly numbered (where RESOLVE identified a match)
and the unplaced polyalanine peptides are numbered 801-806, 811-823,
831-835, etc...  

When I have identified the correct sequence for a stretch of polyalanine, I
can renumber it with Coot very nicely.  However, after renumbering several
stretches it becomes necessary to output a PDB, edit the file to order the
renumbered residues, then restart coot with the edited file.  This is
especially necessary when two stretches should actually be joined.

Perhaps I've missed it but does a feature exist in Coot to sort the PDB file
by residue number (keeping chains separate)?  If not, might it be a
desirable feature to include a "sort" button with the "renumber" feature so
that the PDB file can be re-ordered?   I realize I could use a sort command
in UNIX however that would be complicated by the presence of multiple chains
and splitting up the PDB by chain could be as tedious as manually editting.
Any other easy work-around suggestions from anyone?

Many thanks

Andrew M. Gulick, Ph.D.
(716) 898-8619
Hauptman-Woodward Institute
700 Ellicott St
Buffalo, NY 14203
Research Scientist
Hauptman-Woodward Institute

Assistant Professor
Dept. of Structural Biology, SUNY at Buffalo


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