Good afternoon bb,

I am at a loss, and I am hoping someone will take the time to help me. I am 
trying to generate an electron density map, using SFs and coordinates obtained 
from the pdb. Please feel free to refer me to appropriate threads, I'm having 
trouble finding them.  I have generated an mtz file with hkl, F and sigma. 
Using FFT I made a simple map - but putting it up in Coot, along with the PDB 
file I used in FFT, I'm getting a non-sensical map.  Clearly, I'm neglecting 
something important. The log file indicates that it is picking up the space 
group info (P212121). I don't have a lot of experience trouble-shooting maps in 
CCP4i.  Any advice would be much appreciated.  The EDS can't calculate maps for 
this structure either, it errors out due to R-factor discrepancy.

Many thanks, 

Celeste M. MacElrevey, Doctoral Candidate
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Box 712
University of Rochester, School of Medicine and Dentistry
601 Elmwood Ave.
Rochester, NY 14642
(585) 276-0346

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