Hi Harry,

Might not be the problem but does this machine have its ccp4 scratch space ($CCP4_SCR) mounted from another machine by nfs across a network? Refmac writes a lot of temporary files to CCP4_SCR and if this is across a busy network it can really slow Refmac's progress.


Harry M. Greenblatt wrote:

Dear All,

One our our linux boxes (kernel 2.4.20) has begun recently to run refmac at worse than snail's pace. This is a 3.2 GHz Xeon dual CPU Dell machine from 4 years ago. All other things seem fine, including other CCP programs. But refmac jobs (for various proteins) that take a minute or two on other machines can sit for many tens of minutes making very slow progress (but yes, they are getting somewhere). Using top, one can see that the machine is completely idle, and the refmac job has used up a few seconds of CPU time, even after ten minutes, although its priority is normal. In top, under the status column, it has a status of "D", which, according to the documentation, is "uninterruptible sleep". Running refmac on another computer, I see that is does enter the "D" state a few times during the run, but never stays that way very long. Any ideas?




Harry M. Greenblatt

Staff Scientist

Dept of Structural Biology [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Weizmann Institute of Science        Phone:  972-8-934-3625

Rehovot, 76100                       Facsimile:   972-8-934-4159


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