If you are refining against data from near the Hg edge (1.01 A), then you are most likely using an inappropriate scattering factor for Hg. At the edge, as much as 25% of the electrons are "missing" (scattering out of phase). As GMS pointed out, there could also be radiation damage, which means that the Hg atom could be migrating somewhere else (as in Ramagopal 2005), also making the occupancy less than 1.0.

You can "soak up" a significant amount of missing electrons with a B-factor, but not completely. B-factors do not change the total number of electrons in the atom, so refining just a B when the "true" occupancy less than 1.0 will match up the peak heights (where the signal is strong) at the expense of the "tails" (where the "signal" is weaker). This will result in a modeled atomic shape that is "too fat", giving you negative ripples in an Fo-Fc map around the atom.

I second GMS's suggestion to refine the occupancy. If your refinement program does not have such an option, then you can do it manually: refine a series of models with different Hg occupancies and see which one minimizes the ripples. If that doesn't work, then try anisotropic B refinement. Both radiation damage and anomalous scattering polarization effects can also give ripples around heavy atoms, which you can kinda-sorta model with an anisotropic B.
-James Holton
MAD Scientist

Klemens Wild wrote:
Dear friends of the Fourier transform,

I am refining a structure with 2 adjacent Hg atoms bound to cysteines of different monomers in the crystal contacts, which means I need to refine them as well. While the structure nicely refines (2.2 A data), I do not get rid of negative density ripple layers next to them (-10 sigmas). My question: is this likely due to anistropy of the soft mercury atoms (anisotropic B refinement decreases the ripples) or is this likely a summation truncation effect prominent for heavy atoms? Can I just anistropically refine the mercuries while I keep the rest isotropic? Never saw this in a PDB. Suggestions are very welcome.


Klemens Wild

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