Hi George,

> It seems to me that column 21 of an ATOM or HETATM instruction
> is always blank, and column 22 is the chain ID. So if we put a
> two-character chain ID right justified in columns 21 and 22, for the
> vast majority of structures there would be no change, and it would
> be relatively easy to change MMDB, Coot etc.  to accomodate the
> increase in the possible number of chains from 26 to (say) 36^2 =
> 1296 (if digits are allowed too).

I really like this idea and I will make phenix/cctbx work this way.

> The next problem is of course the 5-digit atom serial number in columns
> 7 to 11, which limits the total number of atoms in the structure to a
> paltry 99999. Many programs ignore this number, but it is used by the
> CONECT, SSBOND and CISPEP records in the PDB. However column 12 also
> appears to be blank, I think that using it (e.g. with A for atoms
> 100000 to 199999, B for atoms 200000 to 299999 etc.) would enable the
> sequence numbers to be recycled and would again require no change for
> the vast majority of PDB files. I personally think that this is a much
> better solution than what the PDB currently does for more than 99999
> atoms (they spread the structure over several PDB files with different
> PDB-IDs!).

The solution to this problem is to simply treat the serial numbers and
residue numbers as strings. X-PLOR/CNS has been doing this forever,
maybe other programs, too.
Implementations to generate intuitive, maximally backward compatible
numbers can be found here:


This includes a Fortran-77 implementation without any external
dependencies, heavily tested with a large variety of compilers.

I think these simple tricks will be sufficient until we are all


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