I guess this is the old fashioned way, but it seems simpler to me!

There are 2 strands labelled T

I find it easier to run a program than use coot.

distang xyzin 65*pdb

This shows you that A 85 -ish is linked to T 11-23 with symop

and B ??? is linked to T 41-53 with symop X-1,Y,Z

Then I run
pdbset xyzin 65*pdb
SYMGEN X-1/2,-Y+3/2,-Z

And that gives me the symmetry equivalent of T 11-23 which I want.
With an editor I cut out those residues, and replace the ones in the
original file.

Then repeat the exercise with
pdbset xyzin 65*pdb

and cut and replace T 41-53


(PS - use COOT though to check that the new coordinate file exactly
overlaps the old one! A typing error is a disaster..

bc_panlf wrote:
> Hi all:
> I am a beginner for protein crystallography. After I used Arp/wrap to 
> build a model structure from molecular replacement, one part of the output 
> model structure is very strange, the first beta strand is isolated and not 
> fit to the other part. someone tell me coot can do this ,somehow 
> symmetrically translate. but i don't know how.can anyone tell me how to 
> fix this problem?
> i post the pdb and mtz file in the attachment.
>   Thank you very much !!

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