This is just a gentle reminder - the deadline for the applications to the M2M course is in 1 month.


We would like to announce the Practical Course on Training in methods for Macromolecular Crystallography M2M-7: From Measurement to Model. The course will take place at the EMBL Hamburg Outstation on the DESY synchrotron site in Hamburg on:

Wednesday November 21st - Wednesday November 28th, 2007.

The course will include beamline practicals, computational tutorials and/or lectures on beamline hardware, crystal handling, carrying out a data collection experiment, data processing, model validation, phasing and phase improvement, model building and refinement. There will also be lectures on synchrotron radiation, detectors, data collection strategy, radiation damage, density modification, use of maximum likelihood and software for structure determination.

Invited speakers include K. Bartels (Norderstedt), Z. Dauter (APS), E. Garman (Oxford), W. Kabsch (Heidelberg), A. Leslie (LBM, Cambridge), W. Minor (Virginia), G. Murshudov (York), A. Perrakis (Amsterdam), J. Richardson (Duke) and T. Terwilliger (Los Alamos). Internal speakers from EMBL are G. Bourenkov, C. Hermes, V. Lamzin, S. Panjikar, A. Schmidt, T. Schneider, P. Tucker and M. Weiss.

The course is primarily supported by the European Macromolecular Crystallography Infrastructure network (MAXINF2), EC Contract No 505977.

The number of places is restricted to 20. Applications can be made electronically via the link The deadline for applications is September 28th, 2007.

The organising committee - V. Lamzin, S. Panjikar, P. Tucker, M. Weiss

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