Dear all,

I have a couple of questions concerning mrBUMP:

1) I cannot correctly fix E-values for Fasta search, e.g., 6E-11, actually it seems
it accepts only 4 decimal places like 0.0001.  I also tried to edit scripts
by hand ("run & view com file").

2) I would like to use mrBUMP firstly in the "model search only" option and then restart/continue the job (in this case, off-line) to do molecular replacement with the previously selected models.
Is there a way to do it without having to enter the selected models by hand?

3) I also would like to enter pre-determined pdb files for molecular replacement but I cannot understand
very well the "User specified search models" session in ccp4i.
What I understand is that I need to specify BOTH the pdb file AND the chain.
Thus, if I have a pdb with many chains, I need to define many lines to refer to only one pdb file. Is there a way to only specify the path of the pdb files and left to mrBUMP the decision
of whether or not to select a particular chain?

4) ccp4i dbviewer is launched automatically when mrBUMP starts to run.
A task button at the bottom of the "Program List" was created but it does
not work (message:   "sh: bltwish: command not found").
Maybe problems with my installation?
Is there a way to launch dbviewer by command line?

Thank you very much in advance,


#CCP4I DATE 31 Aug 2007  16:13:17
#CCP4I USER aparicio
#CCP4I SCRATCH /tmp/aparicio
#CCP4I PID 27340

http_proxy not specified in environemnt

#  CCP4: MRBUMP - Automated Bulk Molecular Replacement (version 0.4.1)  #

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