Good morning/day/evening all,

I have a structure that is refined, with the exception
of the molybdenum (MoOOS) cofactors (there are two of
them), which are square pyramidal and coordinated to 2
sulfurs in an enedithiolate of a pterin ring.  I have
brought up my issues with refining this before in
REFMAC, but something just dawned on me as I work
through/with it.

Although I define the Mo, O1, O2, S atoms as ATOM
records in the PDB, with restrained refinement in
REFMAC, the resulting *_refmac1.pdb file converts the
MO to a N.  If I define the 4 atoms above as HETATM
records, the same happens with the output PDB,
changing all 4 atoms back to ATOM records and
redefining the MO as N.

I am also still getting problems with the connectivity
of the atoms in the coordination sphere of the
molybdenum, but that may be a side issue to this
confusing problem with the record lines in my output
PDBs here.

Thank you,

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