An NIH-funded POSTDOCTORAL position is available immediately to study the 
structure and function of (1) ATP-dependent molecular machines [e.g. Cell 
(2003) 115:229; Mol. Cell (2007) 25:261] and (2) multi-component protein 
assemblies [e.g. EMBO J. (2000) 19:25]. Diffracting crystals are available for
some projects [e.g. Acta Cryst F. (2007) 63:784].

The position requires a doctoral degree in one of the natural sciences. 
Applications from experienced postdoctoral scholars/staff scientists with 
experience in protein crystallography will be considered. Applicants must have 
demonstrated experience with methods used for the crystallization and X-ray
crystal structure determination (i.e. MAD/MIR) of proteins and enzymes. 
Experience with gene cloning and methods used for protein expression and 
purification are an advantage. The salary for this position will be pegged to 
the current National Research Service Award (NRSA) stipend for postdoctoral
fellows ( 
and is in addition to a generous fringe benefit package.

Our lab is fully equipped for all aspects of molecular biology, protein 
chemistry, and X-ray crystallography. To apply for this position, please send a 
current CV, a brief description of research accomplishments and interests, and 
contact information of three to four referees to: Dr. Francis Tsai,
Associate Professor, Dept. of Biochemistry and Mol. Biology, Baylor College of 
Medicine, One Baylor Plaza MS:BCM125, Room 315B, Houston, Texas 77030, USA. 

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