We are looking for a PhD student with Master’s degree to explore structure and function of G-Proteins and their interaction with membranes. The project will include X-ray crystallographic studies and biochemical experiments including liposome binding and deformation studies by electron microscopy, nucleotide binding and hydrolysis assays, and also some cell biology - have a look at our recent publications for the research we are interested in. We are located at the Max-Delbrueck Center in north of Berlin (Helmholtz institute) and are well equipped with two FPLC and one HPLC system, large scale bacteria shakers, two X-ray rotating anode with MAR imaging plates, two pipetting robots and an extensive crystal imaging system. Furthermore, synchrotron radiation is available in close proximity at BESSY in the south of Berlin.

For further information please contact me ([EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>), or send me your application including CV and addresses of two possible referees.

Thanks a lot,

Oliver Daumke

Crystallography group

Max-Delbrueck Centre for Molecular Medicine

Robert-Roessle-Strasse 10

10435 Berlin

Daumke O., Lundmark R., Vallis Y., Martens S., Butler P.J., McMahon H.M. (2007) Architectural and mechanistic insights into an EHD ATPase involved in membrane remodelling. *Nature*, DOI: 10.1038/nature06173

Daumke, O., Weyand , M., Chakrabarti P.P., Vetter I., Wittinghofer A. (2004) The GTPase‑activating protein Rap1GAP uses a catalytic asparagine. *Nature* 429, 197-201

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