   Use keyword "GRID" in the script to set values:

GRID <nx> <ny> <nz>

The following general restrictions must be observed: 

                  <nx> >= 2 * HMAX + 1
                  <ny> >= 2 * KMAX + 1
                  <nz> >= 2 * LMAX + 1
In addition there are further space group dependent conditions as follows 
(where `n' is an integer, i.e. <nz> must be even, for instance): 
                          <nx>     <ny>     <nz>
             P1            -        2n       2n
             P21           2n       4n       2n
             P21212        4n       4n       4n
             P21212a       ''       ''       ''
             P212121       ''       ''       ''
             P4122/P4322   4n       4n       8n
             P41212/P43212 ''       ''       ''
             P31/P32       6n       6n       6n
             P3/R3         ''       ''       ''
             P3121/p3221   ''       ''       ''
             P61/P65       6n       6n      12n

Ref: CCP4 manual

Check both programs that you used. Hope this helps.

-----Original Message-----
From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of whittle
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2007 2:05 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] SFALL grid


I am trying to generate structure factors from a mask/map that I made with 
NCSMASK. I get the following error message in SFALL:

The program run with command: sfall HKLOUT "/tmp/whittle/109_5_7_1_mtz.tmp" 
MAPIN "/home/whittle/projects/109_5/CCP4/center_50.msk" 
has failed with error message
 SFALL:   Grid too small- NZ must be > 2*Lmax+1

Which grid is this referring to? The grid used by SFALL or by NCSMASK when I 
initially generated the map? How does one choose an appropriate grid and extent 
for these programs?

Thanks for your help!

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