Dear all,

I am working on a structure which is composed of two domains. The X-ray data
is quite good (P21, 2.2A, Rmerge=0.08, 93% completeness), there is one
molecule (277 residues) per ASU. The structure has four homologous
structures with sequence identities ranging from 35%-40%. The four
structures superposed quite well and there is no relative movement between
the two domains. However, MR with these probes all failed using Molrep or
Phaser (R/Rfree after refinement is 51%/55%, and the density is poor). Then
I searched the two domains separately and located the first one (about 60%
of the structure, 44% identity) unambiguously but failed to find the second
one (36% identity) either by searching it alone or fixing domain 1. The R
and Rfree after refining domain 1 are 39% and 44%. The density is good for
the existing model but disconnected in the missing part of the structure in
which I can hardly place any residue. Only an obscure shape of beta sheet
could be recognized but its position relative to domain 1 is quite different
from those in the homologous structures. Thus I suspect that domain 2 has
undergone movement or adopted a distinctive conformation comparing to the
known structures.

I searched the CCP4BB archive and found a similar case from Eric Liu posted
in the end of July this year. The suggestions are to mask the whole
molecule and perform DM, or to carry out OASIS-DM-Building iterative cycles
(as published in Acta Cryst. (2007). D63, 793-799), or to measure the
experimental phases, and etc. So I tried to make a solvent mask in coot
0.3.3 using the "mask map by molecule" function. I read in the map (from
refining the first barrel) and the superposed complete homologous structure,
masked the map by it, and exported the masked map. Then I used MAPMASK
utility to convert the map to mask (the density cutoff is set to 1) and feed
it to DM. But the resulted MTZ contained all zero reflections. Thus my
questions are:

1)      How can I make a mask as mentioned above? Am I doing it the wrong

2)      Is there any other method to improve the density of the missing
structure? I tried several MR probes of the second barrel fixing the first
one but all failed.

Sorry for the naive question, but this has bothered me for quite some time.
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

 Tiancen Hu
Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica
Chinese Academy of Sciences

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