The first 3 cif columns are not the problem. cif2mtz will happily skip
these along with any other items it doesn't explicitly deal with.

The problem is simply the extra columns F(+) etc, yes?

This bug has been seen on Windows. The same job should work fine on
Linux or Macs. Or you should be able to simply delete these spurious
columns with cad, sftools, etc
I'm sure this will be easier than playing with Fortran formatting ....

The bug is somewhere in the depths of the cif library, and we don't have
a fix yet.


On Wed, 2007-10-31 at 19:49 -0400, Zheng Zhou wrote:
> Hi, 
> Could anyone give a quick hint for the Fortran format for the
> following structure factor mmCIF file? or Is there any easy program or
> better way to convert it? I think I need to skip first 3 columns. 
> Thanks in advance. 
> Joe
> loop_
> _refln.crystal_id 
> _refln.wavelength_id 
> _refln.scale_group_code
> _refln.index_h
> _refln.index_k
> _refln.index_l
> _refln.F_meas_au
> _refln.F_meas_sigma_au 
> _refln.status
> 1 1 1    2    0    0     617.50       5.41  o 
> 1 1 1    4    0    0     773.50       6.92  o 
> 1 1 1    6    0    0      62.30       3.19  o 
> I am trying to view the electron density of a published structure. I
> downloaded the file from pdb and used cif2mtz in ccp4. I think the
> following output mtz is wrong. 
> * Column Labels :
> I(-) SIGI(-)
>  * Column Types :
>  H H H I F Q G L G L D Q K M K M
>  * Associated datasets :
>  0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 
>  * Cell Dimensions : (obsolete - refer to dataset cell dimensions
> above)
>    88.0800   86.3600   80.7700   90.0000   95.7100   90.0000 
>  *  Resolution Range :
>     0.00045    0.29217     (     47.298 -      1.850 A )
>  * Sort Order :
>       1     2     3     0     0
>  * Space group = 'C 1 2 1' (number     5)
>  OVERALL FILE STATISTICS for resolution range   0.000 -   0.292
>  ======================= 
>  Col Sort    Min    Max    Num      %     Mean     Mean   Resolution
> Type Column
>  num order               Missing complete          abs.   Low    High
> label 
>    1 ASC    -47      47      0  100.00      -1.4     17.9  47.28
> 1.85   H  H
>    2 NONE     0      46      0  100.00     17.2     17.2  47.28   1.85
> H  K
>    3 NONE     0      43      0  100.00     16.4     16.4  47.28   1.85
> H  L
>    4 NONE    0.0     19.0     0  100.00     9.52     9.52  47.28
> 1.85   I  FREE
>    5 NONE    0.0  1566.0    50   99.90   162.85   162.85  47.28   1.85
> F  FP
>    6 NONE    0.0    82.1    50   99.90     9.49     9.49  47.28   1.85
>    7 BOTH     ?       ?  51373    0.00      ?        ?  -999.00   0.00
> G  F(+)
>    8 BOTH     ?       ?  51373    0.00      ?        ?  -999.00   0.00
> L  SIGF(+)
>    9 BOTH     ?       ?  51373    0.00      ?        ?  - 999.00
> 0.00   G  F(-)
>   10 BOTH     ?       ?  51373    0.00      ?        ?  -999.00   0.00
> L  SIGF(-)
>   11 BOTH     ?       ?  51373    0.00      ?        ?  -999.00   0.00
> D  DP
>   12 BOTH     ?       ?  51373    0.00      ?        ?  -999.00   0.00
>   13 BOTH     ?       ?  51373    0.00      ?        ?  -999.00   0.00
> K  I(+)
>   14 BOTH     ?       ?  51373    0.00      ?        ?  -999.00   0.00
> M  SIGI(+)
>   15 BOTH     ?       ?  51373    0.00      ?        ?  -999.00   0.00
> K  I(-)
>   16 BOTH     ?       ?  51373    0.00      ?        ?  -999.00   0.00
> M  SIGI(-)
>  No. of reflections used in FILE STATISTICS    51373 
>  ===================
>   -47   1   1        0.00      0.00
> 0.00       ?         ?         ?  
>                       ?         ?         ?         ?         ?         ?  
>                       ?  
>   -47   1   2        0.00      0.00
> 0.00       ?         ?         ?  
>                       ?         ?         ?         ?         ?         ?  
>                       ?  
>   -47   1   3       17.00      0.00
> 0.00       ?         ?         ?  
>                       ?         ?         ?         ?         ?         ?  
*                                                                     *
*               Dr. Martyn Winn                                       *
*                                                                     *
*   STFC Daresbury Laboratory, Daresbury, Warrington, WA4 4AD, U.K.   *
*   Tel: +44 1925 603455    E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 *
*   Fax: +44 1925 603825    Skype name: martyn.winn                   * 
*             URL:                      *

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