
I just installed Leopard, using a clean install (no upgrade), and here are a few reflections on it so far. Installation goes very smoothly, clean install on ~40 minutes on my MacBook 2 Ghz (~30 minutes for an upgrade on an iMac 2.4 GHz). Fink installation of 0.27.8 via bootstrapping goes without any problems. Installed Coot version 0.4-pre-1 via fink, and it seems to run ok. Have some issues with X11 not wanting to let me have the window on my second screen, but that is something with X11 rather than Coot. Probably is the same as the broken support for fullscreen.. http://lists.apple.com/archives/X11-users/2007/Oct/msg00065.html . Installed CCP4 6.0.2 from binary installation using the dmg from the ccp4 homepage. Installation proceeded without problem. CCP4 also seems to run fine, although I must confess that I haven't had much time to run through much of the programs. I'll spend some time thoroughly testing the build later this week.


On Nov 5, 2007, at 7:03 PM, R.M. Garavito wrote:

After Bill Scott's and Juergen Bosch's comments about upgrading to Leopard 10.5, it has been quiet. As I am upgrading some "non- essential" machines up to 10.5, I just wanted to check if there is more info out there.

Despite horror stories on the discussion site, upgrading 1 G4 PB, an Intel MacBook Pro, an Intel MacBook, and an Intel Mac Mini went without a hitch, either as an upgrade or "archive and install". I was motivated by the Time Machine option for automatic backups. But I will be rebuilding one of the machines with CCP4 and other programs for testing, as well as some NFS disk cross-mounting.

However, as Bill alluded to, X11 in Leopard has some problems (http://lists.apple.com/archives/X11-users/2007/Oct/msg00065.html ) and X11 users are reinstalling the Tiger version (http://aaroniba.net/articles/x11-leopard.html ). I found that just backing up the /etc/X11/ directory, the /usr/ X11R6 directory, and the Tiger /Applications/Utilities/X11.app before the installation avoids the problem. Just edit /etc/X11/ xinit/xinitrc to replace "exec quartz-wm" with "exec /usr/X11R6/bin/ quartz-wm". That worked fine for me, but it does have the annoying "double X11 icon in Dock" problem mentioned by Ben Byer in his method of installing both Tiger X11 and Leopard X11 (http://lists.apple.com/archives/x11-users/2007/Nov/msg00005.html ).

One last hint that was really useful is that the installation DVD can be transferred to a small (20-80 Gb) FireWire disk:

"This is what I did: Used an empty (blank) external FW drive, created 2 partitions (one 10GB the other with the remainder), then using Disk Utility Restore selected the Leopard install DVD as the source and my 10GB partition as the destination. Be advised this took a while!! When finished, I selected the 10GB partition as Startup Disk and installed Leopard from the external FW drive. I have installed Leopard on two machines using my external FW install disk. I formated the external FW drive with Apple Partition Map NOT GUID."

On my G4 PowerBook, it only took 20 min to load it onto an ancient 20Gb FW disk, but doing this prevents a major complaint about upgrading to Leopard: variable readability of the dual-layered install DVD between machines. People have also complained about the poor quality of some of the DVDs (scratches, smudges, etc.). Finally, you don't have to go through the DVD verification every time you install.

Thanks for any new information,


R. Michael Garavito, Ph.D.
Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
513 Biochemistry Bldg.
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824-1319
Office:  (517) 355-9724     Lab:  (517) 353-9125
FAX:  (517) 353-9334        Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ronnie Berntsson

Ph.D. Student
Department of Biochemistry
Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute
& Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials
University of Groningen
Nijenborgh 4, 9747 AG
Groningen, The Netherlands

telephone: +31 50 363 4195
telefax: +31 50 363 4165
homepage: http://www.rug.nl/gbb/research/researchgroups/enzymology/index

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