If I may make a general note:

I would suggest to everybody not to install anything as the 'root' user, unless these are system utilities.

Most if not all packages can be installed under a user account, or under another dedicated account (eg Software) and be made available to others. This has the advantage that root has a simple account with no complicated setup,
and the chances of destroying the system while installing are minimal.

sorry that this advice is unrelated to the question but it can save trouble, especially if you have to play with the
install scripts and configuration settings.


On Nov 21, 2007, at 17:34, Tim Gruene wrote:

It looks as though you unpacked the source in the root-directory but would like to install the suite under /usr/local/ccp4_master.

Unlike with other "./configure-make-make install" sources, ccp4 expects to be unpacked in the same place where it is being installed.

That - at least- is my guess why the configure scripts looks for files under /root/ccp4-6.0.2.


Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


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