Thank you to all the respondents.

Some comments:

1. Some believe that the write performance in RAID 5 is only as good as performance to one disk. This is true only in RAID 3 (under certain conditions), where parity is written as a separate operation to one dedicated parity disk. With distributed parity in RAID 5 this bottleneck is overcome, and write performance is better than single disk limits.

2. These are SATA II drives which are rated at 3Gb/s, or 375MB/s; even if single-drive I/O limits were a problem, we are not reaching this value.

I think James Holton's suggestions are more on the mark. We will try and investigate.



On Jan 15, 2008, at 9:54 AM, James Holton wrote:

Ahh, there is nothing quite like a nice big cluster to bring any file server to its knees.

------------------------------------------------------------------------ -
Harry M. Greenblatt
Staff Scientist
Dept of Structural Biology           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Weizmann Institute of Science        Phone:  972-8-934-3625
Rehovot, 76100                       Facsimile:   972-8-934-4159

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