On Wednesday 16 January 2008 13:27, Jacob Keller wrote:
> Hello all,
> It might just take you a few minutes to tell me how to do this:
> I have a set of data in three columns xyz (resid1, resid2, value), which I 
> would like to plot as a "heat" or "color map" on the 2d rectangle formed by 
> the values xy, and colored by z. Essentially what I want is a ~1500 x 1500 
> grid with boxes color-coded by their z values. I cannot figure out how to do 
> this in gnuplot or anywhere, despite efforts to learn gnuplot and other 
> programs. Any suggestions?

Use gnuplot.

If you have complete data, i.e. every pair [x,y] is represented,
then the gnuplot command script is very simple so long as the
data file format is correct.  Two formats are possible.
Here is the one closest to what you describe.

0 0 f(0,0)
0 1 f(0,1)
0 n f(0,n)
                   <<<< blank line.  Very important!
1 0 f(1,0)
1 1 f(1,1)
1 n f(1,n)
                   <<<< blank line.  Very important!
2 0 f(2,0)
... and so on

gnuplot commands:
   # You must supply actual values for min/max
   # because image mode does not autoscale
   set xrange [zmin:xmax]
   set yrange [ymin:ymax]
   set cbrange [zmin:zmax]        
   plot 'data' using 1:2:3 with image

The other option is to reformat your data into a file containing
only the z values.  [x,y] is implicit from the location in the file:


f(0,0) f(0,1) ... f(0,n)
f(1,0) f(1,1) ... f(1,n)
f(n,0) f(n,1) ... f(n,n)

gnuplot commands:
   # this time we use a 3D command 'splot'
   set view map
   splot 'data' matrix using 1:2:3 with image

If the data is sparse, then it's still possible but the command
sequence is more complicated and it uses "with pm3d" to interpolate
a surface rather than "with image" with treats it as a complete set
of pixels.

More gnuplot sample scripts online at


Ethan A Merritt            Courier Deliveries: 1959 NE Pacific
Dept of Biochemistry
Health Sciences Building
University of Washington - Seattle WA 98195-7742

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