Peter and Miguel,

thanks for the help with Refmac, it appears to be working correctly!

still issues with PHASER though..

thanks a bunch!


P.J.Briggs wrote:
Dear Ainsley

I'm not sure which file you took from Garib's page, however the CCP4i
"install" options (under the "System Administration" menu) are only for
installing new interfaces and not for updating the programs themselves.

I just took a look at the files on Garib's page, and downloaded the file
linked as "refmac 5.4 for linux", which arrives on your system as
"refmac5.4_linintel.tar.gz". Unpacking this I get three files:


These are updated executables for the refmac5, makecif and libcheck
programs that should be in the "bin" directory of your CCP4 distribution
(do "cd $CBIN" to get there) - you should move the current executables
out of the way, and then copy and rename the new files into the bin

For the new dictionary, I would suggest downloading the file and
unpacking it somewhere like the lib/data/ subdirectory of your CCP4
distribution. This should create something like

You can then change the environment variable "CLIBD_MON" to point to
/your/path/ccp4-6.0.2/lib/data/dic/, either on the command line or in
ccp4.setup (probably better to do the latter).

I'm pretty sure that this should work - sorry if it sounds complicated.
And yes it would probably be useful if Garib did indeed include some
information about updating on the actual page - but we don't have any
control over that.

Hope that this helps, best wishes

Peter Briggs

C.Ainsley Davis wrote:
Hey all I have checked everything that was mentioned here.

I dont have PHENIX installed ( I am using the current version from

I checked the setup file and its set to 1

Any other ideas?

Next question

I would like to install the newest version of REFMAC. I downloaded the
file from Garib's page)  I try to use the ccp4 GUI to install the file,
but it doesnt like it. It says something about it being unable to read
the contents.  If I gunzip then tar the file i get 3 files which I am
not sure what to do with. There is also a new library file Garib
recommends downloading, but in any case I cannot install the 5.4 version
of REFMAC and cannot find any documentation online on how to install it!

Thanks again CCP4 BB!

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