
Was this an install from executables, or from source?

I have just installed Ubuntu Gutsy on my laptop (everything including wireless worked out of the box - I think Ubuntu is great for people who want to simply use computers).

I installed CCP4 6.0.2 with the automatic installer from the CCP4 website, using the redhat executables, and used the 'everything' option (why compile when someone else has already done this for you?).

After I put the setup command in my .cshrc (using tcsh - old habit), the system is slightly broken: python is installed by CCP4 in /usr/local/lib and this is version 2.4

Some of the system administration interfaces (like for printing) expect python 2.5 and fail with a 'libglade.so missing' error when python 2.4 takes over. This took me quite a while to discover.

I have not fully worked out whether python 2.4 is essential for ccp4: after deleting it from /usr/local/bin everything I have used (interface included) still seems to work.


James Thompson wrote:
re: possible solutions for those troobleshooting ccp4 and ccp4i.

On Ubuntu 7.10 - Gusty:
A necessary shared lib file for ccp4 6.0.2 called libblas.so.2 was not present on my fresh system. So provide a link to libblas.so.3.0

On any system:
Perhaps all your new jobs in ccp4i report a job status of "STARTING" forever and ever & there are no errors in the session log, no ability to view com files, & no output files. If none of the troubleshooting tips on the CCP4 site are helpful, see if you installed CRANK after CCP4 with regards to your PATH. In my new Ubuntu installation, I found an empty ccp4ish "dummy" file inside CRANK's bin directory that had me "dummy" guessing wrong for hours.
Kind regards,

James Thompson

Department of Physiology and Biomedical Engineering

E-mail  thompson.james(at)mayo.edu

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