Hi Pietro,

I would use pointless for this - it will correctly reindex the
reflections and sort them to boot. You can specify the correct
pointgroup and reindex operator to reindex the reflections, and (I am
99% sure) pointless will compute the correct unit cell...

You can find recent versions of pointless which do this, and
documentation on how to do this, on the ccp4 prerelease pages.



-----Original Message-----
From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Pietro Roversi
Sent: 07 March 2008 18:18
Subject: [ccp4bb] MTZ cell troubles after sortmtz reindexing from P321
to C2

Dear all,
               after much sweat and grief I managed to index my data in
P321 but looking at the symmetry I think they might be C2: reindexing
from P321 to C2 with the 2h+k, k, l operator in sortmtz produces the
right cell (and yes I did tick the "Reduce reflexions to the asymmetric
unit" button so that noreduce is not among the sortmtz keywords): 

P321 209.3168  209.3168   40.6822   90.0000   90.0000  120.0000
C2 362.5473  209.3168   40.6822   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000

But: scala then decides that the asymmetric unit is not the right one
and it mysteriously changes cell parameters (which I think points to a
bug in the sortmtz process of reindexing):

Reciprocal space symmetry: 
Space group: "C 1 2 1" Point group: "PG2" Laue group: "2/m" 
Reference asymmetric unit: "k>=0 and (l>0 or (l=0 and h>=0))" 
  (change of basis may be applied) 

and I end up with this C2 cell in the mtz output from scala:

285.9320  285.9320   40.6824   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000

I have tried OUTPUT ORIGINAL ans some such in scala but to no avail.

Now please don't all tell me to go back and reindex-reintegrate these
images - although I might have to do it to get the best out of these
data once I am convinced they are monoclinic. 

Rather, I would appreciate suggestions on what program to feed the
multirecord mtz to sort its asymmetric unit in C2 so that scala does not
play tricks on me; or what keyword to feed scala to keep reflexions in
the current asymmetric unit (and use cad or sftools afterwards on the
scaled/merged file)



Pietro Roversi
Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford University South Parks
Road, Oxford OX1 3ER, England UK Tel. 0044-1865-275385

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