Dear Mario,

it seems that inside the install script the path variable is not set and therefore the call to refmac5 fails. We are not sure why this happend in your case. The install script was tested with both (t)csh and bash and something in your machine setup was not anticipated by us. Have you run the utility in the same terminal/shell, in which you later verified your refmac installation by typing 'refmac5 -i'? Could it be that you need to run some setup util for ccp4 manually before?

To get you started with ARP/wARP we can send you a taylored install script with some diagnostic output to find a fix. In the meanwhile, can you try to change the line
alias runtestrefmac 'refmac5 -i'   (line 16 in
to incorporate the absolute path to the refmac5 binary? "Which refmac5" should provide you with this.

Gerrit and Victor.

Mario Sanches wrote:

Dear all,

I am trying to install arp/warp and I am stuck with the following error:

Checking refmac5 installation         - refmac5: Command not found.
*** ERROR ***
Cannot execute refmac5


CCP4 is installed and refmac5 is running. A few more information:

The system is Kubuntu 7.10

My shell is bash (tried tcsh as well and got the same error)

Typing refmac5 -i returns:

CCP4 software suite: library version 6.0
CCP4 software suite: patch level     6.0.2
Program:             refmac5; version 5.2.0019

when I type refmac5 I get:

### CCP4 6.0: Refmac_5.2.0019    version 5.2.0019  : 06/09/05##
User: manager  Run date: 17/ 3/2008 Run time: 09:45:33

Please reference: Collaborative Computational Project, Number 4. 1994.
"The CCP4 Suite: Programs for Protein Crystallography". Acta Cryst. D50, 760-763.
as well as any specific reference in the program write-up.

$TEXT:Reference1: $$ comment $$
"Refinement of Macromolecular Structures by the Maximum-Likelihood Method:"
  G.N. Murshudov, A.A.Vagin and E.J.Dodson,(1997)
  Acta Crystallogr. D53, 240-255
  EU  Validation contract: BIO2CT-92-0524

$SUMMARY :Reference1:  $$ Refmac: $$
:TEXT:Reference1: $$

Thank you all in advance for any help.

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