----- Original Message ----- 
From: Lu Yongzhi 
To: ccp4 bb 
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 7:41 PM
Subject: problems about installation of mosflm701 


My OS is fedoral core 5. I have installed ccp4-6.0.2 which include the mosflm 
6, but I want to install mosflm7.0.1. I downloaded the program, but I can't 
install it properly. I source the file 'intel', the echo is (I have changed the 
'setenv' to 'export'):

bash: export: `-lccp4f -lccp4c -lxdl_view': not a valid identifier
MOSROOT has been set to

bash: export: `/index': not a valid identifier
bash: export: `/src/dps/util': not a valid identifier
bash: export: `/jpg': not a valid identifier
bash: intel: line 65: syntax error: unexpected end of file

could anyone can help me. 

the lines in the 'intel' file are:

#!/bin/csh -fv
# setup shell script for the development copies of Mosflm for different 
# platforms.
# Common stuff first
export CCP4_LIB_FILES '-lccp4f -lccp4c -lxdl_view'
set mosroot = ${cwd:h}
export MOSROOT $mosroot
echo MOSROOT has been set to $MOSROOT 
set moshome = ${cwd}
export MOSHOME $moshome
export AR_FLAGS vru
export DPS         ${MOSHOME}
export IND         ${MOSHOME}/index
export UTIL        ${MOSHOME}/src/dps/util
export JPG         ${MOSHOME}/jpg
# intel compiler specifics - change this to your local installation
if ( -e /opt/intel/compiler70/ia32/bin/ifcvars.csh )then
    source /opt/intel/compiler70/ia32/bin/ifcvars.csh
    echo You must either edit the file called \"intel\" to source the correct
    echo ifcvars.csh file or install both the Intel C++ and FORTRAN compilers 
if ( -e /opt/intel/compiler70/ia32/ifc_fudge.o )then
    export FUDGE /opt/intel/compiler70/ia32/ifc_fudge.o
    export NOFUDGE ""
    export FUDGE ""
    export NOFUDGE -i_dynamic
export DEBUG ""
export F77   "ifc ${DEBUG}"
export FCOMP   "${F77}"
export FC      "${F77}"
export CC     "icc ${DEBUG}"
export FLINK   "${F77} ${DEBUG}" 
export FFLAGS  "-O -align -w90 -cm"
export CFLAGS   "-O0 -O -DPROTOTYPE -DIFC  -c -w"
# if no "fudge.o" vide infra export LFLAGS    "-Vaxlib -i_dynamic"
export LFLAGS    "-Vaxlib $NOFUDGE"
# (2) Mosflm directory
export MOSFLAGS  "-O3 -align -w90 -cm"
# export MOSFLAGS  "-O3 -align -w90 -cm -prof_gen" this line for profiling only
# export MOSFLAGS  "-O3 -align -w90 -cm -prof_use" & change $F77 etc to include 
"-ipo" flag

export MCFLAGS   "-O0"
export MOSLIBS     "-L${CCP4_LIB} ${CCP4_LIB_FILES} -lncurses -L/usr/X11R6/lib 
-lXt -lSM -lICE -lX11 -ldl -lpthread -lm ${FUDGE}"
# (3) CBF directories
export VERBOSE     "v"
export UTILFLAGS   "-O -DPROTOTYPE -DIFC  -c -w"
export EXTRAFLAGS  "-I${UTIL} "
export STDCFLAGS   ""


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