Dear Jim,

I guess you entered the ABC transporter zone. 

You say you use the structure to show the movement of helices.
One important point is whether this structure is based on a
molecular replacement solution, or it was built from experimental
phases. There are numerous cases where adding some experimental
phasing helped to convince the editors.

Good luck,

Rob Meijers
Synchrotron Soleil

Jim Naismith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Dear All,
  I have an interesting problem, we have a 3.45A structure of
a membrane protein. We have just been told that the structure is "too low
resolution to be considered as the uncertainty is too high". We use the
structure to identify helices which have moved. 

Is there a blanket ban on low res structure operating at the moment?

The structure was refined extremely tightly, MolPROB 98th centile. (I will
happily send the data and structure to anyone who wishes to validate.) The
editors simply ignored everything but the res limit (I/sI in the last shell
was 1.8 with a redundancy of 4)

Of course we will begin the usual journal shopping. However, does anyone
know how to convince editors and non-xtallographers that 3.45A is valid?


James H. Naismith FRSE           |Research mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Chemical Biology    |Teaching mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Centre for Biomolecular Sciences |Office: 1334-463792 
The North Haugh                  |Fax : 1334-467229
The University                   |Lab : 1334-467245
St. Andrews                      |In UK add 0 to start of number
Fife Scotland, U.K., KY16 9ST    |
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland : No

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