There is a binary to slot over the existing installation, details here


On 15 Apr 2008, at 10:49, Eva Kirchner wrote:

Dear ccp4bb readers,

when I'm trying to run Procheck in CCP4i or with "procheck xxx.pdb 'resolution' ", it starts, but remains "running" forever. In the log file, it says that it started (or tried to start) the "Clean-up program CLEAN" (interface) or "Running clean-up on file: xxx.pdb" (without interface), but then it stops and nothing happens, until I finally kill it.

My ccp4 version is 6.0.2., I still have the older check version (Procheck and Sfcheck) without Rampage; Mac OS X 10.5.2. Other ccp4 programs work fine (pdbset, even sfcheck), so I assume it's not a problem with paths, permissions or writing .ps files (I didn't try Amore or Refmac yet).

Python is version 2.5, Tcl/Tk 8.4.16.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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