Dear all,

I have been trying to manually build a loop into low resolution maps (data 
between 18 and 2.85A) in coot. However, I find that coot messes up the 
stereochemistry of my model. This despite the fact that the program appears to 
be reading the refmac library for standard amino acids just fine. The only 
untoward message I get is when I try to do geometry analysis (under the 
validate menu). While I get the required plot, I get a message saying no 
restraints were found. The whole message is given below.

No restraints found!
Non-existent or minimal description of restrained residues.
Are you sure that you read a non-minimal mmCIF dictionary for this monomer? Are 
you sure the PDB residue name matches the dictionary residue name?
If not, try File--> Import CIF Dictionary.
Alternatively, did you check that the atom names of the PDB file match those of 
the restraints?

Should I use planar peptide restraints as well to sort this problem? I have 
tried Wincoot 0.3.3 and Coot for linux 0.1.1.

Thanks in advance,

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