Dear CCP4 Colleagues,

The International Structural Genomics Organization (ISGO, is pleased to announce that ten ISGO - NIH Protein
Structure Initiative Student Travel Fellowships are available for travel
to the ICSG 2008 conference in Oxford, UK, Sept 20-24,
2008 (

Young scientist travel support of up to $1000 US will be made available to
graduate students and young post-doctoral researchers to attend ICSG 2008.
A total of 10 ISGO - NIH Protein Structure Initiative Student Travel
Fellowships have kindly been provided by the International Structural
Genomics Organization (ISGO) and the NIH Protein Structure Initiative.
Applications for young scientist travel fellowships should be made by
supplying the following documents:

-        An abstract;
-        A brief CV;
-        A cover letter explaining why the applicant should be considered
for a
-        A supporting letter from the applicant's academic supervisor,
confirmation of student or post-doctoral status.

The deadline for application is July 15th, 2008, and applications should
be emailed to Tom Terwilliger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Please note: applications for young scientist travel fellowships will be
evaluated by committee and awarded to those judged to be the most
deserving candidates. Applications submitted without the accompanying
documents will not be considered. Fellowships will be announced by Aug 15,
2006., and provided as travel reimbursements after the meeting. Successful
applicants are still required to register in the usual way and are
responsible for their own registration, accommodation and travel expenses.

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