Does the log from generate show it reading in both RNA chains and do you have 
enough loading statements?

Stuart Endo-Streeter

On Thursday 08 May 2008 22:38, Sun Tang wrote:
> Dear All,
>   When I used CNS 1.2 to generate the pdb file for two molecules of
> proteins and two chains of RNA (with different chain ids in format of
> CCP4), only one RNA chain is generated. Can anyone tell me how to correctly
> generate the files used for refinement with CNS 1.2?
>   I downloaded the input files from the CNS website and I tried true and
> false for the renaming segid but all did not work.
>   Thank you very much!
>   Best,
>   Sun Tang
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Stuart T. Endo-Streeter
Structural Biology and Biophysics
Dept. Biochemistry
Duke University

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