Dear Sir/Madam

I have some questions from different parts of CCP4 suite regarding refinement 
with Refmac and ArpwARP, Cell content analysis and libcheck.

1. After initial refinement I am giving the sequence to the ArpwArp expert 
system. It seems it is excluding R free and incorporate model bias into the 
output structure. How can I get back the R free. I run Resolve after that along 
with the Refmac. There it is incorporating the R free but it is many fold 
higher that I am getting after the last refinement with Refmac. Please guide me 
how to regenerate the R free as i am truly novice in this field.

2. Another question is that the cell content analysis is giving that i have 
three molecules in my asymmetric unit but SFcheck reports that no PST was 
detected whereas the native Patterson is giving an off origin peak. Once I am 
fitting four molecules in the asym unit the Rfree and R factor is decreasing 
more rapidly putting R fee into the reasonable value. Why is the deviation.

3. After running the review restrain in refmac the log file is showing an new 
ligand has been encountered .. stopping. The new ligand information was written 
into a *.cif file. But as soon ass i am trying to open it the following error 
has been encountered.

ERROR reading monomer id from
No_chem_comp loop found in the file

I was also trying to pass the *.cif file to libcheck but it is showing some 
fatal error atached below

ERROR: in LIB_CREATE_INDEX2: not memory enough:
CCP4:  Fatal error, see above.
CCP4:  Fatal error, see above.

Thank you
Yours truly
Deabjyoti Dutta

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