Hi there,
Sorry for the off topic questions. We need your feedback.
We are expressing a rat protein in insect cells. It is expressed as a secreted 
protein with an N-terminal 6xHis tag. We can get about 4 mg of it from 1L 
culture and everything looked quite normal at the very beginning (at 4C). When 
I changed the buffer to HBS using centricon to get rid of imidazole (@ 4C), I 
noticed that it took a long time to concentrate and I saw some ppt. However, 
when I took some of it (at about 1.2 mg/ml) and kept them at room temperature, 
the solution turned cloudy in a few minutes. I tried to change the pH by 
diluted in 1M stock of different buffers (pH 4.5-8.5), change the NaCl 
concentration, and add 10% glycerol, but it still crashed out at RT. However, 
it seems OK, I hope, when kept on ice. I am wondering whether any of you 
had a similar experience before. It is not a problem for us to do everything at 
4 degree. I just worry that it may indicate something wrong with this protein. 
The protein should be stable since it has
 been shaking at 27C for four days…
Many thanks.


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