
Water is not very nice a medium for a polyanion such as DNA when
concentrated. Better use a basic buffer, even 10 mM Tris pH 8.0-8.5 would
do. Another important thing is, as you have already partly tried, ionic
strength but also the nature of the ions. You need monovalent cations as
well. I would dissolve DNA in say 10 mM Tris pH 8.0, 100 mM NaCl and 5 mM

Having said that, it's a bit strange that you get such precipitate with a
not so long DNA... I suppose you have tried to make sure it's DNA and not
some chemical left from its synthesis. You may want to try and resuspend it
in the buffer I mentioned above and then leave it overnight in the fridge at
a concentration of say <=100 uM of duplex (so ~<=1mg/ml) Next day you can
try to repeat the annealing, leaving at least 5-10 min at 90-95 ºC and then
slowly decrease temperature (0.5 ºC/min should be fine) to 4 ºC.

The way you prepare a DNA/protein complex depends on many factors, including
the affinity of their interaction. If there is a strong interaction, I would
mix them at a lower concentration at whatever relevant stoichiometry (
possibly trying as well slightly changed stoichiometries to allow for your
errors in determining concentrations ) and then concentrate the whole

I hope this helps.


2008/6/21 E rajakumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Dear All
> Sorry for non-crystallography question. I have
> synthesized two complementary strands of 16 bases in
> length for making duplex DNA and co-crystallization
> with DNA binding protein. I have mixed two
> complementary strands of 1:1 molar ratio (0.5 mM) in
> water and concentrated to 1.5 mM (Duplex), while
> concentrating solution becomes viscous and turned to
> white precipitate. However, adding 2 mM Magnesium
> chloride followed by annealing (heating at 90C for 10
> minutes and followed by cooling to room temperature)
> did not help to dissolve the white precipitate.
> Please can you give me suggestions on following
> queries?
> 1.How do I dissolve white precipitate? Is increasing
> divalent cation or keeping duplex in particular pH
> could help in dissolving the precipitate?
> 2.How do I prepare DNA-protein complex? I mean, can I
> mix diluted DNA and protein in 1:1 molar ratio and
> concentrate further?
> Any guidance in this regard will be appreciated.
> Thank you in Advance
> Rajakumara
> E. Rajakumara
> Postdoctoral Fellow
>  Strcutural Biology Program
>  Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
>  New York-10021
>  NY
>  001 212 639 7986 (Lab)
>  001 917 674 6266 (Mobile)
> Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com

Je suis de la mauvaise herbe,
Braves gens, braves gens,
Je pousse en liberté
Dans les jardins mal fréquentés!
Georges Brassens

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