I'm running flexWarp on a MacBook Pro and on a Linux box.  The program goes 
through several 
cycles and then gives the following errors when trying to improve an MR 

If I start from the PDB file as is

Exception class : 'IndexError'
Message : '<no args>'
BackTrace (limited to level 20) :
  => File "flex-wARP-src-261/CArc.py", line 79, in checkAndProcess
  => File "flex-wARP-src-261/CDecision.py", line 419, in checkAndProcess

If I reset the identity of the atoms (DUM)

Exception class : 'ValueError'
Message : '<no args>'
BackTrace (limited to level 20) :
  => File "flex-wARP-src-261/CArc.py", line 79, in checkAndProcess
  => File "flex-wARP-src-261/CRefmacController.py", line 43, in checkAndProcess
  => File "flex-wARP-src-261/CRefmacController.py", line 107, in _parse

Can anybody give me a tip?

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