
Thank you for your kind attention. I am using CNS 1.2 to solve my structure 
with molecular replacement. As a novice CNS user, I was trying to follow the 
tutorial given at the CNS website. I have a tetramer. I have two queries.  

1. There are two maps prepared from the self_rotaion.inp. Those are patterson 
maps, namely
self_rotation_ p1.map                      and
self_rotation_ p2.map

I was trying to open those with mapman but probably mapman is more inclined to 
electron density maps,(may be wrong as I am very new user of these softwares). 
While trying to convert it into ps file with o2d, pltdev etc I was not 
successful. I am just inquiring if there is any tool  to convert  those map  
files to *.ps file, or can see those map files.

2. Another thing I want to learn if there is any direct way in CNS (such as 
feeding the self_rotation_list or self_rotation_ matrix to) to automatically 
find out all the different chains present in an asymmetric unit  and prepare 
the model  (with all chains). Because from the CNS tutorial I follow the way to 
fit my search model into my data.hkl as a dimer but It is a tertamer. Then 
after fitting the dimer I follow the same way { translation. inp --> 
merge_structure. inp  --> shift_molecules. inp} to fit the next monomer into 
the dimer but unfortunately it is failing at the stage of merge molecules as 
trimer.The coordinates assigned, which seems totally rubbish

ATOM 1  CB  ALA  1    9999.0009999. 0009999.000  1.00  0.00      A   etc...
(omitted the total chain: all are same coordinates and occupancy and B factor)
and for B chain

ATOM 2555  CB  ALA  1    9999.0009999. 0009999.000  1.00  0.00      B  etc...
(omitted the total chain: all are same coordinates and occupancy and B factor)
and for C chain

ATOM   5109  CB  ALA     1      32.637  74.346 146.854  1.00 20.00      C   
(Omitted the total chain: all are taking a reasonable values)

Will you please help me with these problems. Thank you very much for your 
attention and suggestions in advance.

Your Sincerely
Debajyoti Dutta

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