I vote for an inclusive BB - it is easy to delete the irrelevent (to you) messages, and nice to know there is a helpful community out there who are prepared to help..

Presumably copyright violations do not result from sharing with one request..

Jayashankar wrote:
Dear All,

Scott has good point.And the requesting party should reply to these kind
mails very quickly ,so as to avoid of receiving huge number of same paper
from different persons,(such a basic sense is important to avoid of wasting
others time.)

(still am  confused about how far or how much a commercial people(non
academic) can access this BB)

On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 4:01 PM, William G. Scott <

It is impossible to know when someone has an anonymous user name and email

I would suggest, minimally, that if someone asks us to send a paper, they
need to sign their
correspondence unambiguously (name and institution). Also, several requests
in the span of
three weeks from the same user gets really annoying.

On Jul 15, 2008, at 2:40 AM, Martyn Winn wrote:

 Dear All,
There seems to be an increasing number of requests for articles on the
BB. Can we assume that those supplying articles hold the necessary
copyright permissions? Since the BB is visible and archived, I just want
to be sure everything is nice and legal.


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