Next MX-proposal application deadline: August 15th 2008


We kindly request MX-proposals for beamtime applications for the next
beamtime period.

In order to apply for beamtime, please register at the BESSY on-line
access tool "BOAT" ( and submit a new
beamtime application proposal. It is possible to propose a number of
projects within the proposal lifetime of one year. BESSY provides
beamtime at the MX-beamlines 14.1 and 14.2. The requested beamtime is
granted based on the reviewed proposal and reports from previous
research activities at BESSY.

New experimental setup:
We are offering the hard- and software environment for carrying out
UVRIP experiments at BL14.2. For further information, please visit:

In July 2008 we did start the user operation of the completely upgraded experimental station
at BL14.1.
Key features are:
- Photonflux: 2x10¹¹ Phot/sx100mAx0.05%BW at sample position (1-20 sec exposure time per frame) - MX-225 X-ray detector, 720mm max. distance from the sample, 30 deg max. 2Theta
- Microdiffractometer (MD2) with Mini-kappa goniometer MK3
- Automatic sample changer (CATS), 90 sample storage capacity (SPINE-Pin & EMBL sample magazine compatibility,
 available in Fall 2008)
- 96-well crystallization plate scanning
- New high performance data processing environment

- Bruker AXS X-Flash XRF detector on BL14.1+2
-MX-225 X-ray detector at BL14.2

Please visit our web page ( to gain updated
information about our experimental setup and other requirements.

Uwe Mueller & the BESSY-MX group


 Dr. Uwe Müller
 D-12489 Berlin

 Phone: +49-(0)30-6392 4974
 Fax  : +49-(0)30-6392 4975
 url  :

BESSY GmbH - Mitglied der Leibniz Gemeinschaft
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult Joachim Treusch
Geschäftsführer: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Eberhardt, Prof. Dr.Eberhard Jaeschke Sitz Berlin, AG Charlottenburg, HRB 14635

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