
Anandtech is a tech website that does alot of hardware reviews on just about
everything you can think of.  I don't know what your budget is or what
resolution it is you're looking to project but you can get a 1920x1080
projector anywhere from $9000.00 and up.  They may be somewhat pricey, but i
guarantee none of your speakers will complain about bad image quality
again.  I have several suggestions:  Samsung SP-A800 and the Marantz
VP-15S1.  These are just a few out of many many many projectors.

Cheers, Jim

On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 5:26 PM, Patrick Loll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This is way off-topic, but that's never stopped me before. And what group
> is better qualified to pontificate about matters lying at the intersection
> of computers and optics than this one?
> The LCD projector in our departmental seminar room was stolen over the
> weekend (!), and I have been asked to look into what we should buy to
> replace it.  The missing projector was a Dell 3300MP, and IMHO it sucked. If
> I had a nickel for every seminar speaker who said, "Well, you can't see
> this, but on my laptop it's very clear that...," I'd never need to write
> another grant.
> Alas, I know very little about what's available and what performs well.
> Perhaps you can save me hours of careening around the internet researching
> this question.   Do any of you good folks have experience with particular
> projectors that you like/don't like? Or perhaps have a reasoned opinion (or
> even a wild irrational idée fixe) about the sorts of specifications a good
> projector should exhibit? The room in question is not large (about 8 x 10 m,
> seating a max of ca. 40 people for a talk).
> I should mention that we're NOT looking for any kind of stereographic
> projection here (cool as that would be); just plain, vanilla, projection of
> the image shown on the laptop's screen.
> Many thanks for any info you can contribute.
> Pat
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Patrick J. Loll, Ph. D.
> Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
> Director, Biochemistry Graduate Program
> Drexel University College of Medicine
> Room 10-102 New College Building
> 245 N. 15th St., Mailstop 497
> Philadelphia, PA  19102-1192  USA
> (215) 762-7706

Jim Fairman
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Biochemistry, Cellular, and Molecular Biology (BCMB)
University of Tennessee -- Knoxville

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