Did you set the weight (X-ray.vs.Geom.) too high? In principle, at 3A a relatively smaller weight than default (0.3?) may be used.

On Aug 2, 2008, at 8:39 AM, Yusuf Akhter wrote:

Hi Everybody,

I am refining structure of a protein at 3 Angstrom. I am doing model building in
After several rounds of refinement using Refmac when I tried to run PROCHECK on my partially build model I found that some of the residues are D- amino acids.

How to change these D-amino acids to L-amino acids??

Is there any option in Coot for that??

Thanks in advance,

Yusuf Akhter
EMBL Hamburg c/o DESY, Notkestraße 85,
22603 Hamburg, Germany

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Lijun Liu, PhD
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University of Oregon
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