I am starting to get questions about how the Molecules site was


I think that it is a good example of what is possible using GNU-Darwin
OS and FOSS, free and open source software.  I also thought that
GNU-Darwinists and others would be interested in the package set.  It
should be noted that these are alpha, first run packages, but we are
putting them to good use.

Here is the uname -a output for the current darwintel machine, which is
doing all the heavy lifting.

Darwin darwintel 8.0.1 Darwin Kernel Version 8.0.1: Fri Apr 29 12:18:40 PDT 
2005; root:xnu-792.obj/RELEASE_I386 x86 i386 AMD Phenom(tm) X4 Quad-Core 
Processor GP-9500 Darwin

This system has been stripped of all proprietary software, except two
hardware driver binaries unfortunately, which is why we don't distribute
the OS installer.  One of the reasons why we operate this way is so that
we can build and distribute free software that runs under current
Darwin-based operating systems, like GNU-Darwin and Mac OS.  Here is a
link to the package directory.


GNU-Darwinists with familiarity regarding our architecture may find
these packages useful.  If that is not the case, please consult our
online help files and examples before trying this package set.  Here is
a link to the ports tree.


If there are any further questions about how we are operating the
Molecules site, please feel free to ask, or get a GNU-Darwin account,
and look for yourself.  Accounts are free for 30 days.


Michael L. Love Ph.D
Department of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry
School of Medicine
Johns Hopkins University
725 N. Wolfe Street
Room 608B WBSB
Baltimore MD 21205-2185

Interoffice Mail: 608B WBSB, SoM

office: 410-614-2267
lab:    410-614-3179
fax:    410-502-6910
cell:   443-824-3451

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Version: 3.1
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