We put our raw data, plus metadata here: http://www.tardis.edu.au
JCSG also make data available, but I think its just an archive, with little or no annotation

On 24/09/2008, at 7:02 AM, afyfe wrote:

Dear Tommi,
I'm not sure whether 'test data sets part I' relates to the query I mailed the other day but, in light of the recent posts regarding fundamental literature, your suggestion seems an excellent one.

Perhaps I'm not looking in the right places, but finding examples of image sets exhibiting e.g., radiation damage, crystal slippage, autoindexing failures or any of the aberrations shown in Phil Evans' excellent scala tutorial seems difficult. Likewise for examples of good and bad final-refinement maps. Making primary/intermediate data available would benefit both students and algorithm comparison/ validation (e.g. measuring performance on standard data sets is routine in data-visualization/image-processing papers).

Tommi Kajander wrote:

Also, i think that would be nice if this type of info could be put on the web, part of the wiki for instance.. if there is some consensus to what works + the typical proteins easily available.

Tommi Kajander, Ph.D.
Structural Biology and Biophysics
Institute of Biotechnology
University of Helsinki
Viikinkaari 1
(P.O. Box 65)
00014 Helsinki
p. +358-9-19158903

Alastair Fyfe
Graduate Student
Biomolecular Engineering Dept.
University of California, Santa Cruz

Associate Professor Ashley M Buckle
NHMRC Senior Research Fellow
The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine &
Victorian Bioinformatics Consortium (VBC)
Monash University, Clayton, Vic 3800

iChat/AIM: blindcaptaincat
skype: ashley.buckle
Tel: (613) 9902 0269 (office)
Tel: (613) 9905 1653 (lab)

Fax : (613) 9905 4699

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