6M Guanidiniumhydrochloride works pretty good, the question is only will you be able to refold it correctly ?

I believe a better approach is to avoid precipitation in the first place and optimize your purification procedure in such a way that it works. When do you observe precipitate ? Dialysis, then us e a fast desalting column instead.


On 1 Oct 2008, at 06:12, ANDY DODDS wrote:


following on from a previous topic about precipitating protein, but I
believe a distinct caveat of this warranting a separate thread, I
would like to know people's experiences in trying to get precipitated
protein back into solution?  Is there a way or are there many ways?

Any experiences would be welcome,



Jürgen Bosch
University of Washington
Dept. of Biochemistry, K-426
1705 NE Pacific Street
Seattle, WA 98195
Box 357742
Phone:   +1-206-616-4510
FAX:     +1-206-685-7002
Web:     http://faculty.washington.edu/jbosch

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