Hi everyone,

I was in the middle of creating a "Table 1" for a finished structure and was puzzled by one number. It is the average B factor, especially in the case of TLS-refined structures. In this case, the average reported by refmac in the header is the average of the B factors in the pdb file, which I assume is the residual B factors (right?) (A quick Baverage confirmed the number is the average of numbers in the B column). If the reported average is really for residual B factors, isn't this a bit misleading? In this case, the average B was 17, but after I created total B factors with TLSANL, average B was 25 A^2.

I think total B factors should be the one reported, but I am afraid that might not have been the practice by many. It is such a petty point, but with TLS becoming common, shouldn't users be warned more about such issues? Or could Refmac report the average for total B factors?


P.S. I hate to bring up the controversy about the reporting of TLS-refined B factors (residual vs. full anisotropic, or refmac vs PHENIX), but it may come to that.

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