Postdoctoral position – Structural Biology of DNA repair

        A postdoctoral position is available to study DNA repair proteins 
involved in double-strand break repair. This post-doc is founded by Institut 
National du Cancer (INCa). All candidates must have a broad experience ranging 
from biochemistry (protein expression and purification) to structural studies 
(NMR or crytallography). 
        Our laboratory is well equipped for all steps from molecular biology to 
NMR or crystallography. We have regular access to ESRF synchrotron in Grenoble 
and to SOLEIL synchrotron that is very close to the laboratory. We are equipped 
with three NMR spectrometers (700MHz Bruker, 600MHz and 500MHz). The laboratory 
is 40 minutes drive from Paris near Orsay University and CNRS center of 
Gif-s-Yvette. The salary ranges from 25 000€/year to 29 000€/year according to 
        Please send your CV and a covering letter with the names of three 
referees to Dr JB Charbonnier ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). Further information can be 
obtain about the laboratory and the institute on our website at:

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