Hi Sympath,

Did you try to change the default "Search radius"?
To my understanding MOLREP estimats the search radius somehow from the volume of the asymmetric unit and not from the expected radius of the monomer (you don't give the program the number of expected molecules). The signal of the SRF could be much better if you try several search radii in the expected dimension for a monomer/(dimer). In a special case with 6 monomers in the asu (SG P21) where the default SRF was hard to interprete it gave nice peaks when the search radius was adapted.

Best wishes,

Sampath Natarajan wrote:
Dear All,

I have a problem in analyze the self rotation function. My crystal is
belongs to C2 space group. According to Mathews calculation, this crystal
shows 7 or 8 molecules in the asymmetric unit. But I couldn't conclude the
number molecules in the A.U. So I calculated the self rotation function
using the program MOLREF. But Still I am not able to interpret the results
using that. Here I'm attaching the figures which I calculated the self
rotation function with different chi angles. Could anyone help me to find
the symmetry of molecules in the A.U? It will be great helping me to solve
the structure.

Thanking you,





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